Through this theory you can then explain criminal behavior by saying that certain adults never completely developed morally.. they stopped at a level most adults surpassed.
The only reason I bring this up is because I feel that I can recently say I've reached a new level since the 2008 elections. The person I was back in 2008 was more politically involved and idealistic, and cared a great deal without how elections turned out. Yesterday, while I payed greater attention to the election coverage than I have before, as far as the results went it really didn't affect me either way. Which really says something about who I've been for the last 6 years. Even though I cared a great deal about who won in the 2004,06.08 elections or at least appeared too, I didn't really watch that much coverage. I see the hypocrisy there but at least I am honest about it.
I also voted smarter too, I wasn't just straight ticket this time, I voted for someone in every category except one. Sorry Reform Party. I also voted in the primary which is something I've never done either. This was also my first mid-term election to vote in, I kind of dropped the ball in 2006. Again there seems to be a hipocrysy here I will get to in a bit
And I'm glad that version of me went out on a note, 2008 was a year to celebrate. It was a pretty good way for a young radical, idealistic, Daniel to go out.
So where does that lead me now. I guess that would put me at about a stage 6 in Kholbergs heirarchy, I've been able to symapthize with the other side. I'm not as angry as I was in 2004, but I wouldnt say I'm another jaded left leaning "my vote doesnt count" Kansan. While where I am at I am not completly closed off to the idea that one day Kansas might break it's 78 year streak of Republican Senators. I know things change and if they change for what I percieve to be better than good.
I would say I am a more realistic voter, meaning pretty much my predictions are more accurate. I know when my vote counts and when it does not. For example, this year I was more passionate really mad about a small County Commision seat rather than the 4th Congressional District, because I knew I could help change that.
The funny thing about noticing change in yourself is that you notice that other people haven't changed. I had a friend that voted for Nader in 2008, I thought it was stupid and wasting a vote. "Why wouldn't you want to vote for the first black president?" I would ask. Sure he was probably just being a contrarian or maybe he's like the person or maybe he generally saw through the bullshit and figured that was well invested vote.
So this year, I saw a lot of people REALLY upset about the House turning back over. A lot of these people were my age and older. The funny thing about it too, like the Daniel that would of been pissed off about last night. I know for certain a lot of the people posting fervent Facebook status updates probably weren't watching CNN for 4 hours, I know this because alot of those people can't afford cable. So like the person I was in 2004 these people are more focused on being outraged rather than learning why it happend. I just realize now that this is the whole purpose of closure. The better we understand something the less upset we are about it.